Electromedical |

Multilayer Printed Circuits
Produce multilayer printed circuit boards requires a high level of attention to detail. One must carefully choose the materials, the sequence to be followed for construction, and the correct placement of the foils, making sure that all layers are properly registered in the holes to avoid deformations produced by heat or pressure.
The outer layers of the multilayer consist of sheets of glass fabric pre-impregnated with uncured epoxy (prepreg ) and a thin copper foil . The construction of a multilayer circuit can be compared to the construction of a micro chip but in macro format with the advantage of being able to use more components such as capacitors, resistors or active devices embedded in the substrates.
Multilayer printed circuit boards consist of an even number of layers (layers), typically 4 or 6 but for special applications or needs up to 60 layers can be used.
Multilayer Printed Circuits
Produce multilayer printed circuit boards requires a high level of attention to detail. One must carefully choose the materials, the sequence to be followed for the construction and the correct positioning of the foils, ensuring that all layers are correctly registered in the holes to avoid deformations produced by heat or pressure. The outer layers of the multilayer consist of sheets of glass fabric pre-impregnated with uncured epoxy resin (prepreg ) and a thin copper foil . The construction of a multilayer circuit can be compared to the construction of a micro chip but in macro format with the advantage of being able to use more components such as capacitors, resistors or active devices embedded in the substrates. Multilayer printed circuit boards consist of an even number of layers, typically 4 or 6, but for special applications or needs up to 60 layers can be used.
FR4 - High Thermal Conductivity (HTC) Laminates - Roger - Arlon -Taconic- FR4 Tg 150-180-200 - Low Er FR4 - Halogen Free Laminates - ISOLA Astra MT - ISOLA I-Tera - Mixed FR4 + Rogers Stack-ups - Polyamide
610×780 mm
0.1 mm
0.075 mm
Standard: 0.90 mm
Custom: 0.065 mm
Standard: +/- 10 %
Custom: +/- 5 %
0.40-8.80 mm
From 18um to 1.000 um
Passivated Copper ( OSP ) -Hot Air Levelling Lead Free HAL or Sn/Pb -Chemical Gilding ( ENIG- ENIPIG-ASIG ) -Electrolytic Gilding (Hard Gold) -Chemical Silver -Chemical Tin - Mixed Finishes
Green-blue-red-white-black and transparent. Some colors are also available in matte and glossy versions.
White, black, blue, yellow, red
- Single printed circuit board
- Printed circuit board in Panel
- Printed circuit board in quadrotto with witnesses
- Panel with pre-cuts V-Scoring
- Mixed Technology (Milling and V-Scoring)
- Height-controlled machining
- Beveling, Countersinking, Reaming

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